Your car radio may lock when the battery of your Peugeot is changed. To unlock it, you need a four-digit code. If you have lost the code for your Peugeot car radio or if the seller did not provide it, we may be able to recover it for you.

How to unlock my Peugeot car radio?
If you don't know the code for your car radio and can't find it in the car's documents, your car dealership can retrieve it for you. However, many drivers complain about the high prices charged by their dealership. To save time and money, you can use our service 👍 Indeed, depending on your radio model, we may be able to retrieve your Peugeot car radio code. We will only need the serial number of your car radio. That's it!
What I need: the serial number of my car radio.
Where to find the serial number of my Peugeot car radio?
To find out if we can retrieve your Peugeot car radio code, simply look at the sticker located behind or on top of the radio.
You will need to remove the radio from the dashboard to access the sticker.

From this sticker and the serial number indicated on it, you will be able to determine if your Peugeot car radio is decodable online or not.
For example, in the image opposite, the serial number is 815BP730098728824, and this car radio model is decodable online (not all models are).

There are several models of car radios (Blaupunkt, Continental, Bosch, Philips, Harman...). Depending on the model, the serial number may start with:
- BP (Example: BP336359125450)
- 815BP (Example: 815BP632280448137)
- 815CM (Example: 815CM2321E1221542)
- T00BE (Example: T00BE345805135)
- CL (Example: CL040162037358) ⚠️ Some models are not decodable.
- T0 (Example: T0G294) ⚠️ T0X000 models are not decodable.
- A2C (Example: A2C092351230130005601) ⚠️ Models with shorter serial numbers (e.g., A2C56589427) are not decodable.
- A3C (Example: A3C059651010100009452)
To help you determine if your Peugeot car radio is decodable or not, here are examples of stickers:

If you have any doubts about your model, feel free to send us a photo of the car radio sticker to [email protected] to confirm that we can retrieve your Peugeot car radio code 👍
If my car radio is decodable, I can get the code using the serial number 🙂
Generate my Peugeot car radio code
Now that you have the serial number of your Peugeot car radio, you can order your unlock code.
We can generate your Peugeot car radio code from the serial number, allowing you to unlock your car radio and enjoy your favorite radio stations again!
Get your Peugeot radio code now!
Here are some examples of Peugeot car radio codes:
Serial Number | Code |
BP336359125457 | 1415 |
815CM2321E1221540 | 3565 |
815BP632280448139 | 2336 |
CL053140154264 | 2899 |
A2C9629950000001691 | 2224 |
PHAPGFW7003910 | 6281 |
815BP638389510151 | 6654 |
T00BE262590097 | 4360 |
How to enter the code in my Peugeot car radio?
Now that you have your four-digit code, you can unlock your Peugeot car radio.
With some car radio models, you will need to use the 1 to 4 buttons:
Button 1 will be used to enter the first digit of the car radio code. Button 2 for the second digit of the code, and so on.
For example, for the code 3281, press:
- Button 1: Press 3 times
- Button 2: Press 2 times
- Button 3: Press 8 times
- Button 4: Press 1 time
Then validate the code.
How long before I receive my Peugeot car radio code?
In most cases, you will receive your Peugeot car radio code instantly. For some car radio models, however, it may take a few minutes or even several hours. In any case, you can contact us at [email protected] 👍
How to get my Peugeot car radio code for free?
To get your Peugeot car radio code for free, you can try asking your dealer. We recommend asking for the price beforehand, as most of the time the service will be chargeable, and the amount can be quite high. That's why some websites offer to generate them for you at a more reasonable price.